finally over.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Huuuu~ I much lighter now~ (much lighter? lighter? much light?) Ignore my grammar mistakes! and I feel...*blank* (nyumnyumnyumnyum .. ) Lazy to blog idea why =p

Betty left Malaysia on Sunday night T.T She's currently in Mangalore, India xD learning to live the life of an indian xP with her so-very-fair skin (hahaha) Let's look forward to seeing a tanned-and-slimmed-down-doing-belly-dancing Betty in...few months' time? kaka~

Was happy to receive a text message from her yesterday evening! For one second --> who the h*ll is this, long and strange unknown number? Oh, it's Betty! texting from India! with her India number! haha! Well, according to her, it's freaking hot and sunny there :) poor thing. haha!

Hm... Berklee Audition is finally over!!! It went ... well I guess~ it was good experience! and, I would never go to *ehem*... that place is not a very nice place to study! plus all they want is your money. Imagine going to a college, you drive towards the front gate, and to come out of that lane you have reverse, cuz it's a freaking packed up dead end ==" and the college looks more like a language center. *enough* I would rather go straight to USA when I have the money, -next time-!

As for now, it shall be MEDICAL BIOSCIENCE, which I'm enjoying now! haha! surprisingly~ Especially studying bio with Arif and Ron at the library xD Unfortunately they will only be there for 2 years, then cabut-ing to Johor for the last 3 years! T.T Oh wells~ Can't rely too much on them anyway ;) Shall appreciate what I have now first.

Hm, mind my lame post~ toodles.