Goodbye July, Hellooo AUGUST! it has always been my favourite month of dee year :D
Cheryl - "What do you expect me to get for a girl who has everything!?"
Mum - "You've everything and there's nothing to give you anymore.."
Dad - "Your present was given to you in advance! on 20th July 2008. 8k Mac.."
Bro - "You still want the iPhone?!"
JYao/Shawn/Amir - "Mee goreng M.A.N.J.A...anak manja...spoilt girl..." dang~
I seriously do not know what I'm crapping about now, but suddenly felt like posting some funny things my family and friends said to me for the past few weeks. Haha, it's funny alright :P
Okay, time to pig now! yes, "pig" sleep "pig" sleep "pig"~ I slept for one hour only!! this morning. And, yea, I told my parents about it, and they were like quite speechless!! Haha!! So niteys~
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