think once, think twice.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

ok...I think it's crazy to post thrice in a day. Oh well, I guess it's okay cause it has passed midnight now ;p oops, by right it's my sleeping time now. I'm kinda sleepy anyway! =x before that...

I can't believe it! I'm seriously, so d*mn indecisive!!! this shows that I have NOT gave up on my I-want-to-go-to-Berklee dream! and it's like if I have the chance, I would definately go...Question is whether MONEY is really what's holding me back? That's partly it~ The other part would be my confidence I suppose.

I have yet made any new decisions at the moment, am waiting for Pearly to come back to Malaysia from the States! for another session of "counselling" hahaha, I'm such a troublesome *ss, ain't I??


latest status: reconsidering~ think once! think twice! think as long as I want cause I still have time! what I should really do now is:
-concentrate on practicing!
-focus on the March 12 audition!

...I'll never know if I never try; I'll regret if I never tried my best; there shouldn't be room for regrets. For now, I'm going to bed cause it's way passed midnight!