Boo! Haha! I'm back to my half-dead blog! I just finished my exam last Monday @.@ felt as though it was ages ago, but noooo... it's HOLIDAY now! yet the hours I spent/spend in front the laptop is like...a downward sloping curve, hahaha! plus, whenever I want to blog, I go blank :(
Life's been sooo boring...(AT HOME) lalalala, I watched tv, vcds, dvds, more tv, more vcds, more dvds! pfft! But towards the weekend......I longed for a second or two to breathe!!! So freaking busy~ but enjoyable ;)
For the last two Saturdays, I've been going out for lunch with OTM after CMP. Boy, it was really fun~ hahaha! Two weeks ago, there were Jen, JYao, Amir, Nazrin, Jyao's friend Shawn and me, we had banana leave rice followed by tea at McDonalds. Unfortunately I didn't stay til the end, cause I HAD CHEM PAPER ON MONDAY! Ok, then last Saturday, there were only four of us, JYao, Jen, Shawn and I~ went to ChatterBox for lunch and yea, talked and crapped again~ hahaha! FUN, FUN, FUN.
Yesterday was "HEAVEN" to me, 've never been busier! Why?
9:15 - 10:30 * my piano class with Pearly
10:30 - 11:00 * Sadhna (vln)
11:00 - 12:00 * did arrangement with Pearly
12:00 - 12:30 * Omvaathi (vln)
12:30 - 1:00 * Sharaan (vln)
1:00 - 1:30 * Leila (piano)
1:30 - 2:15 * Annabelle (vln)
2:15pm til 4pm, I was working out my arrangement with Albert! Do you see that!
Jon came at 4 plus, to pick me up (DUH) hahaha! Then we went to pick up Vincent and headed to 1U...(here I go again)---ITS BEEN AGES SINCE I WENT TO 1U!!! We had a small/kecil/xiaoxiao gathering there with Fido and Izzat who I didn't see for I-don't-know-how-many-weeks, Hanson whom I just had lunch with him after chemistry paper, and last but not least, Arif Husaini whom I've been seeing for the whole of my semester 1 in Monash! hahahahhaha~
and one SURPRISE person, which Jon made me guess for at least 5 days...YVONNE!!! o.O She came back from UK two weeks ago, and noooooooooobody knew it, and Jon kinda guessed it out, so it was surprise to the WE-who-didn't-know. But everyone kinda guessed it out too when Jon started mentioning Yvonne and calling Vincent "Yvonne" hahaha, he spilled bit by bit!
We had dinner at Chilis...that's like the THIRD TIME for me this month O.O Oh wells...Then we went for window shopping cause there were SALES everywhere. Watched KUNGFU PANDA at 8:45pm~ IT WAS AWESOMELY FUNNY!!! HILARIOUS!!! RATES 5 stars~ =)
While waiting for 8:45pm to come, we went to MPH~ just 10minutes before leaving, everyone stood at this section "RELATIONSHIP" and there, I started showing everyone all the books with funny titles:
-HOW TO UNDERSTAND MEN THROUGH THEIR DOGS! (and thus, women through their cats)
'it's call break up because it's broken'
'an hour to live, an hour to love'Nice phrases right? Haha, meaningless to someone like me, who plans to have two income, and no husband =D then I'll be Filty RICH! Wakakaka~